Free E-mail Newsletters
Dog Newsletter - You can keep up with
the Web's latest sales, clearances and bargains with this excellent free
E-mail newsletter, which is the best resource of its kind. Bargain Dog is
available in regular E-mail format or as HTML mail. You may select from
daily, weekly or biweekly versions.
Free announcement lists
- No matter what you're interested in, you'll
find an E-mail list that covers the topic here. These free E-mail lists
cover many subjects, including freebies, business, computers, children's
stuff, education, games, health, the Web, shopping, sports, travel and more.
These lists offer information about discounts, products and special offers.
ListBot - How would you like to start up
your own E-mail newsletter? You can, with Listbot, a free mailing list
service provider. Using ListBot, you can send out newsletters, as well as
announcements and news to people who sign up. It uses a centralized database
so that list members only have to enter their information once and can
manage all of their subscriptions from a single Web site. This is the best
free mailing list provider we've seen.
DVD Talk - If
you have any interest at all in the fast-rising world of DVD (Digital Video
Disc), then this free E-mail newsletter is a must. Geoffrey Kleinman's
popular zine offers a good weekly roundup of DVD news, plus tips for finding
the best deals online.
NETzine - Are
you looking to make some money online? Then check out this quality, original
free E-mail newsletter that focuses on interviews with those who've
succeeded with various Net ventures. It's an inspiring read and is sure to
give you some ideas, tips and insights into how you can make your own Net
venture succeed.
E-Zine Builder - Do
you have an E-Zine of your own or are you thinking of starting one? E-Zine
Builder is an excellent free interactive tool that helps you create your own
E-Zine. Simply complete the online form, press the "Send Now"
button and your E-Zine will be sent to you via E-mail, formatted and ready
for you to send out to your subscribers. Note: the creator of this tool,,
is itself a very helpful resource for E-Zine publishers.
- A handy resource if you're looking to save
money, DirectCoupons offers a free weekly E-mail newsletter that focuses on
coupons, freebies and bargains on the Net. The newsletter has over 150,000
EzineSeek - The
top resource of its kind, this outstanding E-mail newsletter directory
offers a searchable directory of over 500 of the Web's top free newsletters,
organized by category. No matter what topic you're looking for, you'll
likely find it here. There's also an extensive collection of resource for
E-mail publishers, as well.
- Tired of getting your butt kicked in computer
and video games? Sign up for's free newsletter,
which offers all the latest cheats, tips & tricks and gaming news for
current games on the PC, Nintendo 64, PlayStation and Mac platforms.
- This site offers a wide range of free
newsletters that you may sign up for at one convenient spot. Topics include
recipes, humor, self-improvement, writing & reading, cash giveaways,
investing, entertainment, business, free samples and more.
Images Inscript
- Are you a writer? Would you like to develop
your writing skills? Images Inscript is a free, interactive literary E-zine
that provides a forum where you can get feedback on your literary work and
and read writers' contributions. Writers' completed work can be submitted
for consideration to be published here.
The Free Site's Newsletter - This free
weekly newsletter serves up reviews and listings of the latest and hottest
freebies on the Web. Every issue is jam-packed with great free products,
services and samples. There's plenty of free goodies here for both Net
surfers and Web authors. Over 132,000 subscribers.
Woody's Windows Watch
- In this must-read free, biweekly newsletter
for Windows users, Woody offers loads of news, bug reports, virus warning,
reviews, tips & tricks and much more. We enjoy this newsletter's
no-holds-barred approach to covering all sorts of important issues for
Windows users (much of which undoubtedly makes Microsoft uncomfortable!)
The Siren - Looking
to make some money in sales and telemarketing? Then check out the excellent
free weekly zine, The Siren (Sales Intelligence Report Email Newsletter).
The Siren tracks developments in the commercial, government and nonprofit
sectors and offers loads of valuable marketing advice.
TipWorld - A
major resource for free E-mail newsletters, TipWorld offers publications on
a huge array of topics. Here, you'll find over 90 newsletters, covering
subjects that include operating systems, networks, software, news, games,
money & investing, computer care, programmer's help, the Net, lifestyles
and more. Part of the PC World
publishing empire, TipWorld delivers over 3.5 million newsletters a day.
Lockergnome - A
must-read for all Windows users, Lockergnome offers a lively, free
newsletter full of downloads, tips, updates, news and lots of spirited (and
often quite funny) commentary. Lockergnome (author Chris Pirillo's nickname)
comes in two flavors: a regular weekly E-mail zine and a version in HTML
mail format that is released on weekdays.
The Fun Zone - Sign
up here to get a free daily brain teaser by E-mail. The Fun Zone also
features over 500 pages of games, puzzles, trivia, quizzes and more.
Traveler's Check
- The Web is truly a treasure trove for
travelers seeking bargains. And this free newsletter, produced by Travelocity,
the excellent Web travel resource, offers a good weekly roundup of airfare
bargain news, features and tips for travelers. Offered in both text and HTML
Animation of the
Day Newsletter - Sign up for this free
newsletter and you'll get a cool new animated graphic delivered via E-mail,
five days a week. All the animations are original and free. They cover a
broad variety of topics. From the major Web graphics resource, Animation
Day Ahead - There are many newsletters
these days aimed at day traders and other investors. This is the best free
investor's newsletter we've seen yet. The Day Ahead is sent out on the
morning of every trading day and offers commentary and tips on stocks to
keep an eye on. It's a helpful morning read that'll give you a feel for what
lies ahead during the trading day.
Free Weekly Puzzle Newsletter - Puzzle
Depot offers a free weekly E-mail newsletter for those interested in
puzzles, board games, logic games, skill contests and trivia as well as
related books and software for education and recreation. Here, you'll find
challenging crosswords, riddles and word puzzles and more.
The Don Juan
Newsletter - Looking for free advice on
improving your romantic life? Then subscribe to this free newsletter, which
aims "to help men better understand and succeed with women."
Topics here include "Making shyness work for you;" "Simple
secrets to charming conversation," and "The best (and worst)
opening lines."
World Wide Recipes - This free
newsletter delivers recipes by E-mail to over 40,000 subscribers daily.
Subscribers receive a complete gourmet menu, from appetizer to dessert,
every week.
Internet Tourbus - One
of the Web's first free E-mail newsletters (and still one of the best), the
Internet Tourbus really has its finger on the pulse of what's new and
interesting on the Net. Author Patrick Crispen packs each issue with quality
original editorial content on everything from notable new sites to
interesting uses for E-mail to Web "urban myths."
Humor Mailing Lists - Like the title
indicates, this is a treasure trove for those who believe that laughter is
the best medicine. This site serves up an impressive array of humor E-mail
lists (all free) and includes information on how to subscribe. Tell Frank we
sent you.
Associate Programs Newsletter - If
you're looking to make some money off your site, then check out this free
newsletter. It offers an excellent weekly roundup of associate and affiliate
programs on the Web, as well as Web marketing tips, tricks, tools &
This is True - This free weekly
newsletter proves that truth can be stranger than fiction. Each issues
provides a commentary on the news, and reports on bizarre-but-true news
items from "legitimate" printed news sources from around the
world. This is True also features commentary by syndicated columnist Randy
Z Media - Get
your daily dose of fun and games by E-mail at this free mailing list
service. Here, you'll find such mailing lists as "Joke-A-Day,"
"World Wide Recipes," "Cool Fact of the Day," "Cool
Word of the Day," and "Today in History."
The Classified News - Here's a free
weekly E-zine that offers plenty of advice on where to get free advertising
on the Web. Each issue contains tips, articles and leads for free
advertising spots.
The AudetteMedia A-List - This is a
unique, free program that serves up a listing of the "Top 100"
E-mail publications (newsletters) on the Net, sorted by category. In
addition, it enables you to automatically subscribe and unsubscribe from
within the program with a single mouse click.
Laugh-Lines! - (This
newsletter has been temporarily suspended). This
nice free E-mail newsletter serves up a weekly dose of "clean"
family-friendly humor.
The LangaList - Author and editor and
all-around computer guru Fred Langa offers a hugely-popular, well-written
free newsletter that does an impressive job of covering various Internet and
computer issues. A must read.
VirtualPromote Gazette - This free
newsletter is a wonderful source of information for Webmasters who are
trying to build their site traffic. We eagerly look forward to every weekly
issue and we always discover some new invaluable tip or piece of advice. If
you're trying to increase the number of visitors to your site, then you
really to subscribe. Tell Jim we sent you.
Free Pint - Very informative fortnightly
E-mail newsletter that helps you keep up with the best resources on the Web.
Free Pint features compelling and informative topics like "Fakes and
Frauds on the Net," and "Getting Even Better Results from Search
Dummies Daily - - Sign up for this
service and get a helpful tip E-mailed to you every day on the computer
related topic of your choice: Searching the Web, Microsoft Word '97,
Microsoft Excel '97, The Internet, Computing Basics, Web After Five and
Quicken. From the folks who brought you the "Dummies" series of
reference books.