Free E-mail Programs
JBMail 1.0
- Here's a unique, free "portable POP3 mail
reader and mailbox maintenance utility," that gives you direct access
to your POP mailbox. You can view, preview, delete, save, print, and even
get attachments directly from your mailbox. As a result, you don't have to
go through the hassle of downloading anything that you don't want to your
hard drive. Handy, particularly for those who get lots of E-mail.
(84 kilobytes). For Windows 98/95 and NT 4.x or more recent.
RocketTalk - This
nifty free program lets you easily send high-quality voice messages over the
Net. You may send your messages to other RocketTalk users (or to any E-mail
account). If your intended recipient isn't a RocketTalk user, this service
will forward your voice message to them, along with a small utility to play
it. 3.5 megabytes. (For
Windows 98/95 and NT). Requires a sound card with microphone and speakers.
Mail - This freeware utility allows you
to send anonymous messages, with or without a remailer, to any E-mail
address or to Usenet newsgroups.
306 kilobytes. (For Windows 98/95).
Phoenix Mail - A
powerful and compact freeware program. Phoenix Mail has an easy-to-use
interface and supports multiple E-mail accounts. Features include "drag
and drop," context menus, message filtering, an address book, and the
capability to send and fetch E-mail from all your accounts with a single
mouseclick. There's also a free spell checker add-on, available at the site.
Here's a screenshot.
Offered in English and
German versions. (743 kilobytes: For Windows 98/95).
Spam Mail - Fed up with spammers? Here's
a handy little freeware utility that lets you send fake bounce messages to
spammers that make it appear as though your E-mail address is invalid (so
you won't wind up on their mailing lists).
277 kilobytes. (For Windows 98/95).
Outlook Messenger Express - If you're
using Microsoft Outlook 97or 98, then you'll find this freeware utility very
helpful. Outlook Messenger Express lets you quickly and easily send a
message without going to the hassle of loading the cumbersome Outlook
program itself. You can minimize it to the Windows desktop tray when you're
not using it, as well.
(For Windows: 2.7 megabytes).
Free Outlook Mail
stationery - We've had a number of
requests lately from visitors using Outlook Express Mail, asking where they
can get custom stationery to liven up their correspondence. This is the
place to go. Here, you'll find a wonderful collection of free themed
stationery for use on Outlook/Outlook Express Mail. Each self-installing
package includes beautiful scrolling backgrounds, and some include music.
(These files are for Outlook Express running on Windows 98/95. They won't
work on Outlook Express for the Mac).
HotSend - Interesting
new free program that makes it easy to E-mail any document to anyone. With
HotSend, you can share Web pages, reports, proposals and photos without the
hassle of normal E-mail attachments. HotSend will create a portable document
that looks and prints just like the original. Your recipient doesn't need to
own, buy, download, or install anything.
(For Windows 98/95/NT).
PureVoice Player/Recorder - This free
application offers a player and recorder for voice messages that you can use
with your E-mail software. PureVoice offers excellent sound quality and its
files are 10 times smaller than WAV files. There's a plug-in specifically
for Eudora software, and a separate application for other E-mail products.
E-mail Remover - A free program that
helps you avoid having to download unwanted E-mail and spam over your Net
connection. It lets you preview mail headers and delete unwanted E-mail
right away (without having to download the E-mail first). Helpful!
Safe-Net Mail
- Protect your family with this useful, free
POP3 E-mail program. Safe-Net Mail uses advanced filters to identify E-mail
messages that may contain materials inappropriate for children. If Safe-Net
Mail identifies a potential harmful message, it automatically routes it to a
pass-protected folder.
2.1 megabytes. (For Windows 95/98/NT).
Hikyaku: A free
Japanese E-mailer - Here's a free E-mail
client that is capable of displaying Japanese characters on non-Japanese
computers. Using Hikyaku, you don't need a commercial character extension
program such as KanjiKit or Twinbridge. This is a helpful program for
Japanese speakers who're on the road and want to send E-mail from standard
PCs. (For Windows).
Eudora Light - Our favorite free E-mail
program. Eudora offers you tons of features: such as the ability to filter
your mail & organize it into folders; multiple signatures; drag &
drop capabilities; nicknames and more. We also love its sleek and elegant
interface. If you use Eudora, then you need to check out Andrew
Starr's (Unofficial) Eudora Site, which offers a huge selection of
utilities, tools and plug-ins for getting the most out of Eudora. The only
drawback we have with Eudora is its cumbersome search function, which makes
it time-consuming to find just the E-mail you're hunting for. To learn how
to block spam with Eudora, go here
or here.
(Available for Windows and Macs.)
PostPet - Is
this an E-mail program or a game or a virtual pet? I'm not sure. But in any
case, it's a lot of fun. PostPet is an artificial intelligence program that
can "learn" to write E-mail messages to you and your friends. This
free demo can also deliver greeting cards, "make friends" with
other PostPets and do other activities as well.
(For Windows 95/98). Available in English, Japanese & German.
Spammer Slammer - If you've spent very
long on the Net, you've no doubt been the victim of a spammer (someone who
sends unsolicited junk E-mail.) Now you can fight back with this cool
program, called Spammer Slammer. It's an easy-to-use client that works with
any POP3 e-mail software. It also works for multiple accounts on the same
machine. Another plus: there's no blacklist, huge domain lists, or spammer
list to maintain.
Listserv Lite - We've had a number of
visitors ask if there are any free mailing list programs available on the
Net. Here's one from the makers of the well-known industrial-strength
creators of Listserv. The Free Edition is a freeware version of Listserv
Lite, limited to a maximum of 10 mailing lists with up to 500 subscribers
each. This version is free, as long as the licensee does not derive a profit
from using the software. Be sure to read the usage
Pegasus Mail - One of the Net's all-time
classic freeware products, Pegasus has a very strong following, and with
good reason. It has tons of helpful features, including a spell checker,
multiple signatures, checking of multiple mailboxes, etc. However, Pegasus
does suffer from a few drawbacks. We find its interface a little clunky and
its cut & paste capabilities are limited. If you download Pegasus, then
be sure to check out the Guide
to Pegasus Mail Add-ons, which is a good collection of enhancement
programs for this E-mail client.
(Available for Windows, MS-DOS, Macs, and Mercury).
SchizoSigz! - This is a handy E-mail
signature generator that works with any E-mail program that utilizes ASCII
based signature files. SchizoSigz! takes a header file, footer file, and a
file filled with quotes, taglines, or whatever, and generates an E-mail
signature file at a specified interval. It runs from the Win 95/NT task bar.
WorldFlash News Ticker - This useful
free program delivers lots of information to your desktop, including news
headlines, stock quotes, and weather data. It can also check for your
incoming E-mail (POP3 compatible only) and display E-mail headers in a
scrolling window. (The install program is 1.2 megs in size and is for Win 95
and NT only).