Free Disk Utilities
SpanDisk - If you have a program that's
too big to fit on one floppy, then this free utility is a must. SpanDisk
will split the file into smaller portions that can be copied onto two or
more floppies. It also allows you to restore the files that have been split
into a directory of your choice. Easy to use.
Newly released version offers a number of improvements, including a log file
feature to aid in troubleshooting, as well as long file name capabilities.
Mr. Mirror - This helpful free utility
lets you back up your data to an alternate disk drive (such as a Zip or Jaz
drive). It creates mirror images of your selection of directories and files.
Mr. Mirror's features include file filters, logging, templates, finding
redundant files, drag & drop, a built-in scheduler, etc. Reliable and
easy to use. Here's a screen
shot. (For Windows:
993 kilobytes).
ScramDisk - Here's
a new, freeware hard drive encryption program that's a must if you have data
on your PC that must be kept secure. ScramDisk creates an
"envelope" on your hard drive that can be "mounted" as a
virtual disk when you enter the correct password. All data written to this
disk is encrypted and can't be acccessed without the password. ScramDisk
supports several encryption algorithms, including Blowfish, IDEA and
Triple-DES. For Windows
98/95. (Since it was developed in Britain, ScramDisk is not subject to U.S.
export law).
Messcleaner - Here's a helpful free
utility that runs from your Windows tray menu and can help you find and
eliminate junk files from your system. Here's a screen
shot. 450 kilobytes.
(For Windows 98/95).
Diskeeper Lite - If you use Windows NT,
you've likely noticed that it lacks a defrag feature. An essential freeware
program, Diskeeper Lite fills the void and is designed exclusively for NT
4.0. Use it and you'll likely see faster performance and a happier,
healthier hard drive.
DiscoMania - Here's a handy, free, file
cataloging utility for hard drives, removable drives and CD-ROMs. Using it,
you can create, search, and organize catalogs. Many options available to
help give you full control over your files.
Partition Manager - A fine freeware disk
partitioning utility. Partition Manager allows you to create and delete
partitions, lets you view your hard disks' IDE information and lets you
format and resize FAT-16 and FAT-32 files systems. Also offers support for
extended DOS partition. Available
in English, German, Swedish, Spanish and Russian.
DISKdata - This freeware program is an
Explorer-like application for Windows that analyzes your hard drive and
reveals data that Windows doesn't. It reports its findings in a chart
format. It's a handy way to find out exactly what's clogging up your hard
PrimaSoft Disk Analyzer - Take a look
"under the hood" of your computer with this excellent free Windows
program that lets you analyze your hard drive. You can easily take a
detailed look at a selected hard drive or directory. It offers a summary by
files, directories, type, size and date, displays graphs and lets you print