Free Chat Programs
Paltalk - This
seriously cool free audio chat program lets you make unlimited free calls
worldwide. Paltalk offers the best sound quality of any free telephony
program we've tried. There's a good FAQ here to help you get started.
(Requires Windows 98, 95 or NT, a sound card, a microphone and speakers).
- New version offers text
chat, as well as group voice chat. Users may now create their own
groups; join existing groups or create private groups.
- Here's a handy server-based freeware chat
application that allows you to chat, as well as and leave messages for
others. It will also notify you when your friends connect to the Net.
ChatMail can be used like a news server, displaying public messages. It lets
you interact with others (while keep your identity private). It works
through firewalls, too.
373 kilobytes. (For Windows 98/95).
- Are you concerned about your privacy when you
are chatting on ICQ or IRC? ChatBUDDY is a freeware encryption tool that
will secure your communications, using Blowfish (a powerful, free encryption
algorithm). ChatBUDDY also offers handy features such as password protection
and session key management.
217 kilobytes. (For Windows 98/95).
Pagoo - Has it become impossible for
your friends to contact you by phone because you're always online? Then
check out Pagoo, an innovative way to communicate between you and your
friends. Pagoo is a free unique service that delivers phone calls to the
user's desktop while they are online. Your callers can leave you a voice
mail or a numeric message just like a pager. (For Windows).
(No longer free, but a 30-day free, no obligation trial is available).
Net CB - Now we've seen everything. This
free, ad-supported program lets you talk on citizens band radio over the
Net. This 2.5 meg program requires Win 95/98/NT, a sound card and a
microphone. (If you don't have a mike, you can just listen in).
PeopleLink - This excellent free
software service enables you to communicate instantly with others online.
PeopleLink gives you "interactive messaging", a new medium that
combines the best features of E-mail (ease-of-use, safety and selectivity)
with the one major advantage of chat, interactivity. (For Windows and Macs).
AbbottChat: chat program - (No
longer freeware, but a time-limited free demo is available). Here's
a cool chat program for PCs and Macs that informs you when your friends are
online and allows you to send "alerts" (instant messages that you
can send to selected folks or your entire list). AbbottChat supports private
chat, instant messaging and file transfers. It's fast and requires no
cumbersome log-on or registration.(For
Win 95/98/NT and PowerMac with Sys 7.5 or later). The file is 866 kilobytes.
XiRCON free chat client - This is a new
free beta program that is highly configurable and easy to use. Many
features, including an excellent interface and the ability to instantly
minimize itself to the Windows tray. It also automatically remembers your
favorite servers, channels and chat buddies. Also supports connection to
many servers at once, without launching a separate copy of the program.
Screenshot here.
MultiChat - This site offering free
Java-based chat room software for Web sites. Easy to set up. You can link
your site's chat room to thousands of others. Nice interface and very
Microsoft NetMeeting - With this cool
program, you can hold "virtual meetings." NetMeeting offers
various tools to communicate and collaborate with others on the Web. It lets
you hold voice and video conferences, share software applications, chat, and
share a whiteboard.
ICQ 99b beta - A must-have instant
messaging program from Israel that ranks as one of the Web's most useful
freeware programs. ICQ's features could fill a book but the most important
innovation it offers is "awareness" (the ability to determine
whether other people are online at a given moment). ICQ also allows you to
transfer files; travel in groups to different Web pages; play sound effects
and much more. The program is very easy to use and has a very attractive and
useful interface that allows you to keep track of several simultaneous
- The newest version (99b
beta) adds helpful features, such as message archiving, which gives you
a complete record of every communication you've sent or received.
There's also an easy-to-use organizer functions, as well as a "Whitepages"
feature which acts as an ICQ search engine for finding ICQ users
according to a wide variety of search criterium.
- There's an entire galaxy
of add-ons to enhance ICQ. But one of the most useful we've found is the
freeware program called ICQ
Rescue. This handy little program makes it easy for you to create a
backup of your ICQ contact list, your bookmarks and your message
history, so they can be easily restored.
Visual IRC - Powerful freeware chat
client that features an Office 97-like user interface, voice chat and video
conferencing. Visual IRC also offers an object-oriented scripting language (ViRCScript)
and support for Active Scripting. Suitable for newbies and experiences users
alike. The Web's top IRC client.
Microsoft V-Chat - With this awesome
client, you start by selecting an "avatar," (a graphical
representation for yourself.) With your avatar you can chat, gesture, or
explore 2D or 3D environments. Choose from a wide selection of avatars or
make your own. - Here's a promising,
fast-growing free IRC server that offers access via either the Web or an IRC
client (such as mIRC) They also offer a
free service that lets Webmasters easily set up a chat room on their own
page. Note: they do not allow porn or warez (illegally pirated software).
PowWow - PowWow is a popular
Windows-based communications program for the Internet that allows up to 9
users to chat via typing or voice; send files; view personal home pages and
JPEG pictures; and cruise the Web together.
Kids PowWow - This is a version of
PowWow for children up to age 13. It creates a fun, but protective
environment for kids who want to use PowWow.
Kids PowWow alerts children when an adult pages them, or when they page an
adult. The PowWow for Kids home page provides conferences (which have
profanity filters) and other features.
ichat Pager - With this cool client, you
can be instantly connected to friends and associates and see who's on line.
You may send messages instantly; participate in real-time discussions; and
page friends 24 hours a day.
mIRC & Eggdrop Archives - An
essential site for users of mIRC, the
Web's top chat program. This informative site will help you get the most out
of mIRC and offers many scripts, bots and add-ons for this chat client.
There's also assistance here for using Eggdrop, the popular advanced IRC
Ide@lScript - Ide@lScript (yes, that is
the correct name!) is a helpful IRC script from Brazil that offers all kinds
of goodies. Features include basic channel and personal protection and
protection against hackers. Ide@l§İript also offers colorful greetings and
personalized writing, as well as an ASCII and WAV player and an
"advanced away system with message recording." A Portuguese
version is here.
nOthello - Play the classic game Othello
with other people on IRC! Design your own bitmaps for boards and pieces.
This site also offers plenty of other cool scripts for use with IRC.
Active Worlds Browser -This is one of
the all-around coolest freebies on the Web. It's a browser that lets you
access AlphaWorld, a unique, 3D virtual community populated by real people.
The Active Worlds universe boasts hundreds of thousands of users and
thousands of kilometers of virtual territory. You can explore over 100
worlds in real-time, 3D, high-color graphics. You can even "own"
land and build anything you'd like on your property, from a simple house to
an elaborate palace (a process that is quite easy). Active Worlds is more
than a piece of software; it's a way of life! (Note: you need a Pentium with
Win 95/NT and 24 megs of hard drive space.)
AOL Instant Messenger - This excellent
program, once available only to AOL users, is now available to the entire
online community. It offers many cool features. It allows you to see who's
currently online and lets you send quick and private instant messages. It's
"faster than E-mail and more fun than the phone."