Free Calculators
CDML Advanced
Calculator - Fed up with the limitations
of Windows' built-in calculator? Then grab this excellent free advanced
calculator which offers every feature you could ask for. CDML is an advanced
calculator for everyday use. Offers memory functions, tape display,
English/metric conversions, scientific expression evaluator and financial
functions. And it's always easily accessible from the tray.
(For Win 95/98). 1.1 megabytes.
Calc98 - Here's a powerhouse free
utility. A serious number cruncher, Calc98 is a scientific calculator with
tons of features and loads of bells and whistles. It's free, but if you use
it more than 90 days, the author would like you to register it (which is
free). (For Windows: 230
Personalized calculator - This site
offers a personalized sample calculator/calendar/clock, with your choice of
one to 10 images, which you may freely distribute, as long as you don't sell
them. (For Windows: 70K)
Super Calculator - Windows has a
built-in calculator, but it's pretty lame. If you need more serious
number-crunching capabilities, then check out this free program. It's a
command line-style calculator that lets you run math expressions with your
Download Calculator - Want to find out
how long it will take for your file to download? Then check out this free
JavaScript utility, which offers a Web-based pop-up calculator that you can
use as you surf the Net. (Requires requires Internet Explorer 4, or Netscape
3 or 4). Note that this
tool's download estimate is based on ideal conditions. Your results may
Celebrity Calculators - (Site
is undergoing renovation and is temporarily unavailable).Are
you tired of your boring Windows calculator? Why not replace it with one
that displays your favorite celebrity? Celebrity Calculators are a good way
to spice up your Windows environment. There's currently over 75 celebrities
available here, from The Spice Girls to Brad Pitt. - (Lately,
this site has been inaccessible, from time to time). At
this site, you get free access to a mind-boggling collection of free online
calculators for every conceivable need. Calculators are included for the
following categories: Agricultural, Automobile, Brewing, Clothing, College,
Computing, Converters, Cooking, Design, Distance, Engineering, Finance, Fun,
Health, Manufacturing, Numeric, Photography, Scientific, Sports and Time.
Sure beats the old slide rule we had to use back in school!