Banner Freebies
TrafficX - This free banner exchange
"guarantees" traffic for your site. If you abide by their terms,
and you don't receive any clickthroughs within one month of placing their
code on your page, you'll get 10 free credits and get your banner placed on
their front page for one week. - Got
a Web site? Want to make some money from it? Here's an outstanding new
directory that offers a comprehensive roundup of the Web's various affiliate
revenue programs. offers listings and descriptions of over
600 affiliate programs, as well as a handy search engine to help you quickly
find just the right program for your site.
(One of the best directories of its kind). - The
largest roundup of its kind that we've seen yet, rates and
reviews over 860 associate, affiliate, bounty, referral and revenue sharing
programs across the Web. A must-visit site if you're looking for the best
way to generate revenue for your site. The site is constantly updated and is
helpfully broken down into categories, ranging from advertisting to
marketing to shopping to travel. There's also a free biweekly newsletter
that you may sign up for that offers the latest news on associate programs.
Refer-A-Site - This
free banner exchange offers a new twist: you can add sound effects to grab
your visitors' attention. No plug-ins are required to hear the sound. The
sound clip is played when a visitor moves their mouse over your banner. For
every two visits to your site, you'll receive one free advertising credit.
Your banner here will be 468X60 pixels. Join
now and you'll get 1,000 free advertising credits.
The Net One - If
you're looking to build traffic on your site, this handy directory is an
excellent place to get listed. One advantage to this directory is that once
you submit your site here, it'll appear instantly. They also offer a free
HTML mail newsletter that features lots of useful Web site promotion tips,
tools and articles. - If you want to earn
revenue with your Web site, this is the place to go. is by
far the most reliable, competent and trustworthy Web site revenue program on
the Web. Since launching in April 1998, has emerged as the
top results-based Web ad network. The Free Site has been a member of since June, 1998 and we've found them to be by far the best
service of their kind.
(Highly recommended).
- A solid, free affiliate program, Cyberbounty
pays you for displaying their sponsors' banners on your site. There are
plenty of good offers to choose from here (many of which we've not seen
elsewhere). Cyberbounty also supports mailing lists and E-zines.
DirectLeads -
A solid lead generation network, DirectLeads
offers a reliable way of earning revenue for your Web site. DirectLeads
offers many appealing offers that pay you either per click or per lead. They
have an excellent administration center that displays real-time stats, so
that you may quickly see how much you're earning. We also like their banner
rotation feature, which ensures that the banners that you display never get
Click2Lead - Looking
for an affiliate program for your Web site? Click2Lead offers a good roundup
of programs that generate revenue, either on a pay-per-click or on a
pay-for-lead basis. Lots of categories are listed here, including
automotive, books, business, clothing, family, food, games, shopping and
Animation Station - This
site will make you a free custom banner. There are over 600 templates to
choose from here. They say their turnaround is "under a day"
currently. If they make a banner for you, you're required to linkback to
them somewhere on your site. - A
new free link exchange service, makes use of 88-by-31
pixel buttons, rather than full-sized banners. Simply sign up and submit
your button and it'll be displayed randomly on other participants' pages. offers real-time statistics, so you can see how your
button is performing. They offer a selection of blank buttons that you may
use (you'll need to add your own text, which you can easily do in any
graphics program). (No
adult sites allowed).
The Pop-up Exchange Network
- With this unique free banner exchange, you can
promote your site with "Pop-up Internet Commercials." Your ads
with this service can be animated and can stream live audio and music
without the use of plug-ins. This is an innovative service and their
"talking" banners will definitely grab your visitors' attention.
Currently, they're offering all new sign-ups a free copy of Debit Express
E-Commerce Solution, "a $195 value," which allows your site to
accept checks over the Net.
BannerExchange - Are
you looking to drive extra traffic to your site? BannerExchange is a solid
new free banner exchange, with a 2-to-1 ratio, that offers comprehensive ad
campaign tracking and reports. Easy to sign up for and implement on your
site. You can store up to three banners in your account, so you can switch
back and forth to evaluate which is most effective. - So
you want to make some money off your Web site, huh? Well check out Dan
Oakeson's good roundup of associate programs on the Web. These companies
will pay you to display their banners on your pages. Find out the details on
each program and whether they deliver here.
PowerExchange - A
promising new free banner exhange program to help you promote your site.
PowerExchange offers a 4:5 ratio and offers you the chance to target your
banners. They offer real-time traffic reports and ready-made banners, if you
don't have one made up already. Your banner here will be 468X60 pixels.
(They're currently offering 250 free exposures when you sign up).
Crafter - So you've joined a banner
affiliate program. And now, you want a really eye-catching banner to draw in
traffic. Banner Crafter is the solution. This advanced freeware banner
creator has a fairly steep learning curve (mainly because it offers so many
bells and whistles). But if you spend some time with it, you can create
amazing animated (or static) banner images. By far the best program of its
kind. (2.5 megabytes).
For Windows 98/95 and NT.
Power In
Numbers Power Banner Exchange - A new
free banner exchange aimed at small businesses on the Web. Offers 100 free
credits and a 1:1 ratio. Your banner here will be 400X40 pixels.
ClickTrade - Popular, first-of-its-kind
service that allows you to set up your own affiliate program and reward your
affiliates on a pay-per-click or sale basis. You can browse through their
large directory to find sites that'll pay you by the click to link them.
Over 30,000 Web sites participate in ClickTrade, (now owned by Microsoft).
Palm Pilot Banner Exchange
- This free banner exchange is geared toward
PalmPilot Web sites. They offer a minimum of 30 banner impressions every two
weeks. Your banner here will be 468X60 pixels in size (and under 10
kilobytes in size).
Eurobanner - This is a free banner
exchange service from Europe that offers a standard 2-to-1 ratio. Easy to
set up. They offer Web site stats and a counter. With this service you can
choose your audience (i.e.: have your banner displayed to European audiences
only). Your banner must be 400 by 40 pixels and no larger than 12K.
AdWave - Here's a fast-growing entry in
the league of advertising banner services that claims to pay Webmasters for
displaying their banners. TeknoSurf promises "up to 20 cents" per
unique click and $5 for each Web site you refer to them, who signs up, and
is accepted into the program.
WebSite Designs Banner
Exchange - Here's a new banner exchange
that offers a generous 3:2 ratio (meaning that for every three banners shown
on your site, your own banner is shown twice on other members sites). Banner
sizes here must by 400 by 60 pixels and no larger than 12 kilobytes. They
offer 500 free banner impressions (credits) for all members after thirty
- If you're looking to make some money off your
site, then pull up a chair and spend some time at this comprehensive
Australian site. offers an excellent roundup of
associate and affiliate programs on the Web, as well as Web marketing tips,
tricks, tools & techniques.
- Refer-it is the Web's authority on revenue
sharing programs. At this search engine and guide, you'll find over 400
affiliate, associate, referral, and bounty programs reviewed. A number of
imitator sites have emerged since Refer-it came online last year, but this
site remains the definitive resource of its kind.
LinkExchange - This banner exchange
service (now part of the Microsoft
Network) is the biggest and best-known of its type. We've used this
service since June, 1996, and have found them to be fairly reliable and
competent, (although service has deteriorated somewhat in the past six
months). You get one exposure of your banner for every two hits to your
page. Banners at one time here were 400-by-40 pixels, but LinkExchange has
phased these out in favor of the nearly-universal 468-by-60 size. Note: some
WebTV users report technical problems getting LE to accept their banners.
- If you want to make sure
you're getting full credit for the banner impressions you're owed, try LE
Check, a nifty freeware program that'll make sure that your
LinkExchange account is recording credits properly by simulating the
earning of credits.
- LinkExchange experienced
some problems in the past few months with being late on delivering sites
the banners exposures that they owe them. We've had a number of
complaints from Webmasters saying that they are owed thousands of
exposures. itself was owed several thousand exposures at
one point, although they eventually were delivered. LinkExchange says
the problem is the "result of sharp increases in traffic and other
compounding bugs which strained our system and impeded the smooth flow
of ads."
SmartClicks - An innovative banner
service that goes above and beyond most other link exchanges in many ways in
that you can target your banner to a specific audience. We've used
SmartClicks for two years and have generally been impressed, particularly
with their targeting control panel and stats. Along with Link
Exchange, SmartClicks is one of the Web's most reliable banner services.
Your banner here will be 468 by 60 pixels.
HyperBanner - A competent, well-run free
banner exchange service with a twist: its banners are Java-based. The
advantage to this approach is that you can have far more informative and
eye-catching banners than is possible with standard image banners. The only
drawback is that Java banners take longer to load. Still, this is clearly
the trend of the future and someday all banners will likely be Java-based.
HyperBanner allows you to target specific geographic regions and/or topics
(such as software, children's content, sports, etc.)
CyberThrill - This affiliate banner
program promises to pay you 20 cents for every unique visitor you steer to
their online gambling service. We've been disappointed by every aspect of
this service, including their non-responsive customer query department.
We've also had numerous complaints about non-payment from many Webmasters.
This is a scam.
Safe-Audit Banner Service - Safe-Audit
is a reasonably reliable commercial banner service. This British-based
company offers complete and up-to-date statistics, so you can see how your
banners are performing at a glance. The only quibbles we have with Safe
Audit are the site's cumbersome interface and the fact that it's not always
easy to get a response to your questions.
Note: not all sites are
accepted for the program.
Banner Wizard - This freeware utility
offers a spreadsheet-style program that helps you to calculate the costs
involved in banner advertising and "to optimize your Web advertising
strategy for best possible results."
Four Corners Effective Banners - Just
signing up for a banner service is only a small part of promoting your site.
In order to draw hits with your banner, you need an effective design. This
site is the best we've seen for offering tips on making a banner that people
will want to click on. They even display a list of the Web's most successful
banners, so you can get an idea of what works.
MagnaGrafix - If you've signed up with a
banner service, then you can get Brian to make a free static banner for your
site. If he creates a banner for you, he requests that you link back to his
Link-Me Banner/Reciprocal Links Exchange Database - One
of the best ways to promote your site is through reciprocal links. This
resource is a good place to start. This site also lists over 500
"free-for-alls," which are basically bulletin boards that you can
add your site to (and believe it or not, they do pull in traffic).
Penny Web - This is a banner service
that claims to let you "promote your site at no risk with guaranteed
visitors" and to "generate income by hosting banners." Our
own experience with Penny Web was disappointing. We get a lot of traffic
here at The Free Site, but apparently not enough to generate income with
Penny Web. We never received a cent for our participation with this program.
Their "host reports" site that purports to give you your account's
current data was cumbersome and difficult to get meaningful information
from. Their tech support was not helpful. Our advice: be wary of any banner
service that claims to pay you.
BannerSwap - This banner service also
offers a 2-to-1 ratio. Our own experience with this link exchange was
disappointing. We often had far lower click-through ratios that we've had
with other link exchanges (using the same banner).
The Banner Generator- If you subscribe
to a banner service, you'll need to make up a banner, which this site
provides for free. Check out these
examples. This
service works with WebTV.
TradeBanners Network. - This service is
similar to Link Exchange. We tried
it for several months and found them to be a competent service. However, our
banners consistently got lower click-through ratios than on Link Exchange or
SmartClicks (even with the same design!)
LinkTrader - This banner exchange offers
a higher-than-average 70-to-30 ratio. Banners must be 400 by 50 pixels. Our
results with this banner service were less than ideal. Despite the higher
ratio, we had few hits through LinkTrader than through Link Exchange, using
the same banner. Your own mileage may vary. Incidentally, LinkTrader
recently began offering free E-mail accounts, as well.
Net-On's Banner Exchange - A growing
Sweden-based link exchange that offers you a generous 4:5 banner exposure
ratio. Animated gifs are OK. They accept banners of varying sizes, which can
be a drawback, as you can't take advantage of the HTML size tags to speed up
loading of banner images. Sometimes their banners don't load quickly which
can hold up your page at times. They still have a ways to go before they can
be considered in the top rank of banner exchanges.
123Banners - An up-and-coming link
exchange with around 4,000 members. The concept is simple: by joining, you
agree to display advertising banners for other members, and they agree to
display banners for you. You can decide what type of sites to advertise on
and advertise for so you don't need to worry about inappropriate material
showing up on your pages. You get one exposure of your banner for every two
banners displayed on your site (similar to Link Exchange).